Monday, October 20, 2008

"The Best Life Ever" Use of Time, Talent, & Treasure

As we get ready for this week we focus on the, "Use of Time," as I said in my e-mail to the praise team, we need to remember as the hymn says that we need Him every hour. We need to remember Him in everything we do and take the time to stop and remember that we can, "stop the merry-go-round and get off!" He will help us if we choose to let Him.
I would like to ask for ideas for the upcoming sundays, because I know that He is leading you, just as much as He is leading me. Here are the upcoming dates, themes and scriptures:
Nov. 2 - Use of Talent - (also emphasizing Spiritual Gifts) I Cor. 12:4-6 and I Peter 4:10 - music so far, "Father, Spirit, Jesus" "I'm Not Ashamed" the Cherub choir will be helping for this sunday.
Nov. 9 - Use of Treasure - 2 Cor. 9:1-7 and texts on contentment
Nov. 16 - Thanks Be To God! All church Thanksgiving Event - Psalm 100- We will be having one service melding both traditional and contemporary together for this service from 10:10 am-11:30 am. The Thanksgiving Dinner will follow the service.
Nov. 23 - Christ the King Sunday - Matthew 25:31-46 "A Kingdom of Service"

I will add Advent Season soon. And for those of you that weren't at rehearsal on Sunday I need you to check your calendars for either Dec. 17 or 18. We are looking at doing a community service of the Christmas Cantata/Musical and then doing it for the 10:00 pm Chritmas Eve service.

I am eager to hear your ideas and I leave you with this question to ponder.
How can we reach people? In and out of our church, what can we use? Music, video, drama, readings, testimonies, the arts, etc. Let me know your ideas on these services.

God Bless!!

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